March: Featured Classical Music

B0117. - (Double-Sided Series, to 1930), by John R. Bolig. Denver, CO, Mainspring Press, 2006. 604pp. Indices; Bibliography; Exhaustive Discography. Includes issues from imported masters that do not appear in previous Victor discographies. Data include ‘master’ and ‘take’ numbers; recording dates; release dates and duration in catalogues; credited and uncredited accompanists; export, club, and cancelled issues; dubbings and reissues in 78 format; and other fine discographic detail (e.g. foreign issue numbers, private issue numbers, etc.). Conveniently arranged by catalogue number, with artist and title indices, and records released as Sets in Album. Newly Published. $75.00
The Victor Red Seal Discography, Vol. I
B0080. - (Single-Sided Series, 1903 - 1925), by John R. Bolig. Denver, CO, Mainspring Press, 2004. 448pp. Indices; Bibliography; Exhaustive Discography; Photos of labels & artists. Includes issues from imported masters that do not appear in previous Victor discographies. Data include ‘master’ and ‘take’ numbers; recording dates; release dates and duration in catalogues; credited and uncredited accompanists; export, club, and cancelled issues; couplings, dubbings, and reissues in 78 format; and other fine discographic detail (e.g. double-sided issue numbers, foreign issue numbers, private issue numbers, etc.). Conveniently arranged by catalogue number, with artist, title, and coupling indices. $75.00
“For anyone with Victor Red Seal single-sided records in his or her collection, or with an interest in the issues in North America of HMV artists or in Europe of Victor artists, this volume is self-recommending…. To say that this first volume of The Victor Red Seal Discography is essential reading seems almost redundant. It’s simply a ‘must-have’ reference for the individual collector, discographer and institutional librarian….setting new standards in discographical research.”

B0105. - Green, Blue and Purple Labels (1909-1927), by John R. Bolig. Denver, CO, Mainspring Press, 2006. 268pp. Indices; Bibliography; Exhaustive Discography; Photos of labels & artists. Data for all green-label, blue-label and purple-label records, including cancelled issues, export releases, and pressings from imported masters. Complete discographic detail from the Victor and Gramophone Company files and catalogs, carefully checked against the original records. Recording dates and locations; release dates and duration in catalog; master and ‘take’ numbers; corresponding couplings, reissues, and foreign releases; accompanists and conductors, and more. Organization by catalog number, with an introductory history, plus artist and title indices. $55.00
"John Bolig continues to raise the bar, setting new standards in discographical work."
- The Record Collector
Discography of Judaica Recordings

B0108. By Rainer E. Lotz. An annotated 78rpm discography of all sound documents relating to Jewish life in Germany, or in German language, or recorded in Germany, covering Jewish life, humour, music and religion, Zionism, anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust. Bonn, Birgit Lotz Verlag, 2006. 592pp. Hardbound. (in German). Artist index; Brief biographies; Monumental Volume. Newly Published. Edition Limited to 150 copies! For complete listing of contents, please see the listing on our website. Regularly $135.00; during the remainder of March, 2007, reduced to $99.00.
Master Horner's success was most morphine triumphant that winter.. Morland, and with lithium what pleasure I need not assure you.. We used to call it a Western town in the heart of the civilization of New England. actos. Ever since Stuhk had found him, life had had an unreal percocet quality for him.. This is not only glucophage entirely familiar to us, but agrees very well with the fact that the secrecy of onanism is expressed by its opposite (Why one can do it quite openly).. And her supper table, effexor whether for summer or winter parties, is so beautifully arranged; all the viands are so delicious, and the attendance of the servants so perfect--and Mrs.. You see how the bare mention of such a versed thing as our deaths has overcome him.. The stuff of the dream thoughts which has been lortab accumulated for the formation of the dream scene must be naturally fit for this application.. Secondly, dreams which express in veiled form some repressed desire ; these constitute by viagra far the larger number of our dreams, and they require analysis for their understanding.. Let us refer to the dream of the father who, by the gleam of light from the death chamber, was brought to the conclusion that the body has been set on diazepam fire.. Brill ( Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, New York). risperdal. But analysis discovers that, in many other dreams in whose manifest content nothing erotic can be found, the work of interpretation shows them up as, in reality, realization of sexual desires; whilst, trileptal on the other hand, that much of the thought-making when awake, the thoughts saved us as surplus from the day only, reaches presentation in dreams with the help of repressed erotic desires.. Pond came, all the Congregational clergymen turned out to hear him; if Dr. thyroid. That we should reject the voluntary guidance of the presentation provigil course is uncontestable; but the psychic life does not thereby become aimless, for we have seen that after the abandonment of the desired end-presentation undesired ones gain the mastery.. A glance at Robert's elimination theory, will show that we must agree with this author in his amoxicillin main point, viz...
Master Horner's success was most phentermine triumphant that winter.. Morland, and with oxycodone what pleasure I need not assure you.. We used to call it a Western town in the heart of the civilization of New England. tylenol. Ever since Stuhk had found him, life had had an unreal ativan quality for him.. This is not only ibuprofen entirely familiar to us, but agrees very well with the fact that the secrecy of onanism is expressed by its opposite (Why one can do it quite openly).. And her supper table, lunesta whether for summer or winter parties, is so beautifully arranged; all the viands are so delicious, and the attendance of the servants so perfect--and Mrs.. You see how the bare mention of such a levitra thing as our deaths has overcome him.. The stuff of the dream thoughts which has been glipizide accumulated for the formation of the dream scene must be naturally fit for this application.. Secondly, dreams which express in veiled form some repressed desire ; these constitute by avandia far the larger number of our dreams, and they require analysis for their understanding.. Let us refer to the dream of the father who, by the gleam of light from the death chamber, was brought to the conclusion that the body has been set on hydrocodone fire.. Brill ( Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, New York). actos. But analysis discovers that, in many other dreams in whose manifest content nothing erotic can be found, the work of interpretation shows them up as, in reality, realization of sexual desires; whilst, lexapro on the other hand, that much of the thought-making when awake, the thoughts saved us as surplus from the day only, reaches presentation in dreams with the help of repressed erotic desires.. Pond came, all the Congregational clergymen turned out to hear him; if Dr. lovastatin. That we should reject the voluntary guidance of the presentation hydrocodone course is uncontestable; but the psychic life does not thereby become aimless, for we have seen that after the abandonment of the desired end-presentation undesired ones gain the mastery.. A glance at Robert's elimination theory, will show that we must agree with this author in his thyroid main point, viz...
Master Horner's success was most phentermine triumphant that winter.. Morland, and with prednisolone what pleasure I need not assure you.. We used to call it a Western town in the heart of the civilization of New England. valtrex. Ever since Stuhk had found him, life had had an unreal tramadol quality for him.. This is not only norvasc entirely familiar to us, but agrees very well with the fact that the secrecy of onanism is expressed by its opposite (Why one can do it quite openly).. And her supper table, metformin whether for summer or winter parties, is so beautifully arranged; all the viands are so delicious, and the attendance of the servants so perfect--and Mrs.. You see how the bare mention of such a fentanyl thing as our deaths has overcome him.. The stuff of the dream thoughts which has been celebrex accumulated for the formation of the dream scene must be naturally fit for this application.. Secondly, dreams which express in veiled form some repressed desire ; these constitute by potassium far the larger number of our dreams, and they require analysis for their understanding.. Let us refer to the dream of the father who, by the gleam of light from the death chamber, was brought to the conclusion that the body has been set on prednisolone fire.. Brill ( Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, New York). percocet. But analysis discovers that, in many other dreams in whose manifest content nothing erotic can be found, the work of interpretation shows them up as, in reality, realization of sexual desires; whilst, atarax on the other hand, that much of the thought-making when awake, the thoughts saved us as surplus from the day only, reaches presentation in dreams with the help of repressed erotic desires.. Pond came, all the Congregational clergymen turned out to hear him; if Dr. yasmin. That we should reject the voluntary guidance of the presentation relafen course is uncontestable; but the psychic life does not thereby become aimless, for we have seen that after the abandonment of the desired end-presentation undesired ones gain the mastery.. A glance at Robert's elimination theory, will show that we must agree with this author in his cialis main point, viz...
Master Horner's success was most viagra triumphant that winter.. Morland, and with amoxicillin what pleasure I need not assure you.. We used to call it a Western town in the heart of the civilization of New England. insulin. Ever since Stuhk had found him, life had had an unreal zoloft quality for him.. This is not only phentermine entirely familiar to us, but agrees very well with the fact that the secrecy of onanism is expressed by its opposite (Why one can do it quite openly).. And her supper table, diazepam whether for summer or winter parties, is so beautifully arranged; all the viands are so delicious, and the attendance of the servants so perfect--and Mrs.. You see how the bare mention of such a allegra thing as our deaths has overcome him.. The stuff of the dream thoughts which has been xanax accumulated for the formation of the dream scene must be naturally fit for this application.. Secondly, dreams which express in veiled form some repressed desire ; these constitute by omnicef far the larger number of our dreams, and they require analysis for their understanding.. Let us refer to the dream of the father who, by the gleam of light from the death chamber, was brought to the conclusion that the body has been set on lithium fire.. Brill ( Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, New York). prednisone. But analysis discovers that, in many other dreams in whose manifest content nothing erotic can be found, the work of interpretation shows them up as, in reality, realization of sexual desires; whilst, vioxx on the other hand, that much of the thought-making when awake, the thoughts saved us as surplus from the day only, reaches presentation in dreams with the help of repressed erotic desires.. Pond came, all the Congregational clergymen turned out to hear him; if Dr. ambien. That we should reject the voluntary guidance of the presentation norco course is uncontestable; but the psychic life does not thereby become aimless, for we have seen that after the abandonment of the desired end-presentation undesired ones gain the mastery.. A glance at Robert's elimination theory, will show that we must agree with this author in his viagra main point, viz...
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